
Woman arrested after allegedly inflicting disturbance, spitting at officer at Xperience Fitness

WAUKESHA, Wis. (CBS fifty-eight) — A Waukesha lady who became banned from Xperience Fitness was arrested after allegedly returning and inflicting a disturbance.

Katherine Buffoni, fifty-one, is now facing costs of disorderly conduct, resisting an officer, and throwing or discharging bodily fluids at a public safety worker.

According to the crook complaint, officials had been referred to Xperience Fitness in Brookfield again in April for a file of a banned member with a lower back.

Officers positioned the woman, recognized as Buffoni, walking on a treadmill. When requested to talk with officials, Buffoni allegedly informed officials, “I need a legal professional to talk to you.”

According to the crook complaint, Buffoni attempted to stroll far from officials. When an officer positioned his hand on her arm to prevent her from walking away at the same time as they tried to explain while she became banned, she allegedly stated, “You just touched me,” and tried to grab her smartphone to start filming.

Woman arrested after allegedly inflicting disturbance, spitting at officer at Xperience Fitness 1

An officer told the lady if she did not go away, she might be arrested for trespassing. The complaint alleged that the lady endured to make a scene and swear at officials.

When officers tried to get the girl under arrest, she spit at one of them. When asked if she spits on an officer, she sooner or later replied, “I sure did. Do you have got a trouble with that?”

Buffoni changed into, in the long run, taken to the Waukesha County Jail, where she continued to be uncooperative with officials.

Duane Simpson

Internet fan. Zombie aficionado. Infuriatingly humble problem solver. Alcohol enthusiast. Spent several months exporting UFOs in Jacksonville, FL. A real dynamo when it comes to exporting gravy in Tampa, FL. Spent 2001-2004 implementing saliva in Edison, NJ. Had moderate success getting my feet wet with junk food on Wall Street. Practiced in the art of building Virgin Mary figurines in Tampa, FL. Practiced in the art of marketing Roombas in Phoenix, AZ.

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